Saturday, January 16, 2010

Windows Activation: No records found for given DNS query.

I recently installed Windows 7 Enterprise Edition on one of my PC. Eager to get my PC up and running with all software I daily use, I skipped activation. When I tried to activate a few days later, I was greeted by this error message: No records found for given DNS querySearching for this message, you might end up on this Microsoft support page telling you to check you DNS settings. In my case this didn't apply at all.

In the end it turns out that I ot this message because I hadn't entered my product key yet because I skipped activation during setup. To solve the issue, I:

  • went to "Control Panel\System and Security\System"
  • clicked "change product key"
  • entered a valid product key

Windows automatically activated.


Legends to know said...

For DNS query i always checkout this site @ free of costs.. Really its working good also for the best search for Ping, Ip address search etc.,

Cabo Dregs said... is a better tool. Not covered in ads and is simple and easy to use. One report generates loads of information.

Tussen said...

Thank you VEEEERY MUUUCH!!!!